CALMet (CAL Working Group)

06 January 2006

Here is the body of Jeff's recent email describing his ideas for a CALMet Resources Kit. I felt it useful to preserve that here:

Re the Resources Kit. This comes from one of the breakout groups we had in the CALMET 2004. The website sounds great but we may need to cater for those with no. or poor internet access, or those that would not think to look initially. I am sure we could get WMO ETR Dept to fund the burning and distribution of a set of resource CDS / DVDs to go to each NHMS plus the 25 or so RMTCS.

I am targeting the lower end of the market and would like to provide people with some easy tools they can use to generate explorative, interactive learning experiences, provide some guidelines for building and examples of good powerpoints (including the notes sections). If we could provide some good tools for many of the basic met concepts and then widely distribute it (make it available) we would potentially lift the standard of met instruction globally. In putting together either the website or a CD we will have to be mindful of the metadata issues. My general approach in these things is to put together something as version 0.5 then see how it looks and peoples reactions etc rather than try and plan it all down to the last degree, ie an organic approach rather than a clinical one.

My initial thoughts 18 months ago on the content of a CD was:
* snap shots of many of Tom Whittaker's java applets and how to incorporate them into your own material with some examples
* The AniS applet from Ton Whittaker and tutorials
* The QuizImage Applet from Tom Whittaker and tutorials
* VISITview software from Tom W (and tutorials)
* suggestions for use of powerpoint and potentially any weather fonts or small weather symbols we can grab
* Obviously weblinks to the CALMET general website, COMET, Tom W's Weatherwise, DLSE, COMET multimedia, Virtual Lab ....
* Tutorial for building a PPT using resources from the COMET Multimedia webpage
* Possibly the EUMETCAL XML authoring tools (copyright and level maybe an issue here)
* Some discussion on various types of CAL and what to consider when planning sessions (we should be able to milk old CALMET papers or presentations here)
* Some suggestions on internationalisation and hemispherisation (CALMET 2001 paper from Charles and Daniel)
* Some key or really useful high quality documented learning objects ....

>From the notes of the working group

Collaboration and Co-operation in CALMET

1. Basic documented toolkit including
Presentation tools
Key educational content
Assessment / self assessment / quiz type tools
examples showing use of tools

Goal is to save people re-inventing the wheel, reuse good quality controlled objects.


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